- Erro
Quinta, 20 Dezembro 2012 01:28
Its fine, thank you – is the usual reply. Is it really? In fact, most of them do not meet the minimum requirements. It doesn’t take much effort, you just need to spend some time for the results to appear.
Do not read this article if you are an expert on the subject. We will introduce some basic tips. What you cannot fail to have, those things without which you do not meet the conditions even to advertise on facebook in the most efficient way. It would be like to advertise on Google without a well prepared website – most often the reality.
Check if you meet these basic requirements, organized by order of implementation:
Tips for facebook page
1 – Planning2 – Creative cover
3 – Fill the chronology
4 – New tabs
5 – Type of posts
6 – Optimized images
7 – Conquerors videos
8 – Boost the page
9 – Think mobile
10 – Create fan-gate
11 – Highlight and pin posts
12 – Capture emails from fans
13 – Configure location
14 – Follow up the statistics
15 – People talking about this?
16 – Does it reach 20% of the fans?
17 – Automatic VS manual
18 – Integrated website
19 – Social Media
20 – Testing…
1. Set a quarterly, monthly and weekly plan. On the quarterly plan register the posts that make sense to be already related to some dates. On the monthly you may add more posts and details. On the weekly plan you should have as much information as possible: type of content, time, register metrics, tests and other information. There is always room for something unexpected and according to what is happening.
2. Simple, creative, unique cover and adapted to the page. Without incentive to “like”, buy or advertise services.
3. Fill in the page chronology with events, milestones and history of the company. Finish this process by creating a video with www.timelinemoviemaker.com
4. Have at least three tabs well customized with the respective thumbnails adjusted. The photo section is the only one you can not remove. But if you upload an image with an icon or an arrow of the size of that tab, even that tab may temporarily change the layout.
5. If you publish three posts per day, make two of them to be of interesting content to the fans (about segment, curiosities, knowledge, value) and, eventually, one with business component related to your company. Try the new feature released August 30, 2012, which allows you to choose the target audience and, that way, to increase the fans’ involvement if you launch customized publications accordingly to the filters.
6. Use amazing pictures containing a description with information and link related or customized of your facebook page. You may also add an address to the picture (with a basic image editor). If you need to share something from your website make a print screen and share with an explanation and direct link, in order to have more visits. By the way, use bit.ly and find out at what time you receive more clicks.
7. Surprise with a good video of two minutes. If you have the media, create your own videos or use others, as long as they are of extreme importance.
8. Boost the page interacting, asking, encouraging comments and sharing. Be authentic, create value and a good relationship with everyone, replying to all posts.
9. Think on the mobile users and test the content visibility: images (very important on smartphones), videos and texts.
10. Create a fan-gate (only fans can see certain contents) and offer something that the users really want. An ebook, a video, download, document… there’s such good content on the web that you have no excuses, even if you are not able to produce something.
11. Use the option “Pin to top” to pinning for a week and “Highlight” to expand the content in all the timeline width. It can work as a banner with link to one of the tabs, or as a fan-page increasing even more the number of fans. Don’t forget that is fundamental to scale images with the right size.
12. Capture emails from fans with a woobox, that by registering the email they receive certain content. Use a newsletter service to communicate with them.
13. If your page represents a local business include the address in order to show up in the map, to be identified as a location in posts and access to additional features.
14. Follow up the statistics and adjust the dynamic accordingly. Do you know which the more viral posts are?
15. If the metrics “People talking about this” is above the 15%, the content’s propagation is good.
16. Does it reach 20% of the fans? If the number is much lower consider rethink the communication plan.
17. If you have auto posts from RSS use the www.dlvr.it, but try most posts to be manual and related to what the community need, in real time.
18. A facebook page is very important, but your website is more. If you don’t have one yet, make this a priority goal, optimizing already for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). There are many interesting options, such as Wordpress and Joomla. Integrate the website with facebook and update the blog weekly. Then, put the URL visible in the “About” section of the facebook page.
19. Create accounts on other social networks: twitter, linkedin, slideshare, scribd,
flickr, pinterest, youtube, issuu and google+ and share manually or automatically the news.
20. Test new ideas daily, based on your creativity, statistics and many knowledge on the subjects circulating on the web. You may sign up this group where hundreds of members share ideas: www.facebook.com/groups/redes.sociais.empresas
Although these are critical tips, its necessary knowledge in several complementary areas. If your facebook page meet these tips, congratulations! You may step to the next level.
I challenge you to make a diagnosis and answer with the link of your page the score obtained: www.likealyzer.com . If you get more than 80, congratulations!
Source: http://uploadlisboa....agina-facebook/
Este artigo foi traduzido por Dani Melo

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